Sunday, November 29, 2009

Internet Explorer - Errors on Page.?

The page gives an "Errors on page" message in Internet Explorer 7. The details page for the errors shows the problem being at line 10 and at line 74. I cannot see what is wrong? Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how to remove the error?

Internet Explorer - Errors on Page.?ie 7

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team recommends you not use Internet Explorer:

"There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies related to the IE domain/zone...It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser"

Try the free Firefox

Internet Explorer - Errors on Page.?ireland internet explorer

Dude the link is a error.shtml page, are you trying to access if yes remove the /error.shtml and try..
2 words:

Mozilla Firefox
Try another browser like firefox http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c...

or opera

Internet explorer errors on myspace?

Everytime I click on someones myspace profile, a lil warning box will pop up saying that i need download an active x controller and whether i click ok or the X button to exit out, Internet Explorer will pop up a warning box that says there has been an error and it will exit out of all internet explorer windows.

this has made it so i can't look at the profiles when i get a friend request. how can i fix this?

Internet explorer errors on myspace?ie 6

You can fix that by downloading active x

Internet explorer errors on myspace?windows vista internet explorer

well download mozilla firefox.

and when it says that a box ant the top of the screen will say download active x controller.

click that and download it

Internet Explorer errors using Yahoo email, how do I fix this problem.?

when reading (trying to read) my emails I get an error message from Internet Explorer saying an error has occured. This just started on 03/20/07, I've tried system restore with no luck.

Internet Explorer errors using Yahoo email, how do I fix this problem.?internet explorer


Thousands are having all kinds of problems with their mail since the new format, with Server Farm issues with Original Mail AND Beta Mail, several months ago!

Yahoo! and Sun Java are also having conflicts. Rather than trying to work around them, here is the easy and fastest way to cure them (for most). Go to Tools, open Internet Options, and select Advance tab. Scroll down the list and see if you have Microsoft Virtual Machine listed, if so, uncheck the 2 java鈥檚 listed. Make sure JIT is checked, click apply then ok. and then Close. This lets MSN virtual machine launch Yahoo! mail.

If not:

Also: you will have less problems with Mail if you sign in via Messenger! Go to preferences, general, then check box: Automatically sign me in when I click a Yahoo! link in Messenger. Then click on the little envelope icon on top of messenger box. Or go to My Yahoo and click on your mail link. Or click on the Big RED Y! on the Yahoo! Toolbar. Bottom line is any link that already has you signed in!!!

I recommend that you use Original Mail until beta works out the bugs. FYI, beta means TESTING. Go back to IE6 which works just fine and is problem free. It is still installed on your pc. If you are using Yahoo Mail Plus, and your server farm has problems, switch to the free service until things are worked out.

NOTE: Use beta software at your own risk; it is intended for testing and evaluation purposes only. Do not install beta software on your primary computer or production environment.

Bottom paragraph:

I hope this helps you.

Computer internet explorer errors?

My PC keeps coming up with error boxes and shutting me down when im in internet explorer. I have a registry cleaner and antivirus which says nothings wrong. Sometimes its 20 times in a row its so frustrating. It says this " Iexplore An error has occoured in your program, to keep working anyway click ignore and save your work to a new file. to quit this program click close." why is this happening?

Computer internet explorer errors?internet explorer 7

I was also having many problems with IE (7). I would try to sign into sites and IE would immediately sign me out again, it would keep freezing up on me or shutting down, errors etc. My provider suggested I try Firefox. I downloaded it (about 8 or 9 meg) and haven't looked back since. It is very similar to IE but more simplistic so it's not like learning something all over again.

I suggest you give it a try

Computer internet explorer errors?microsoft word internet explorer

microsoft is trash there are tons of free linux operating systems for download on the net some are very easy to install and use like Ubuntu or Freespire
You should download an anti-spyware tool like Ad-Aware ( or SpyBot S%26amp;D (

Also I recommend you to stop using Internet Explorer and switch to Opera or Firefox, both of them are faster and safer than IE.
If you're encountering major problems with Internet Explorer it may be necessary to perform a repair installation.


Click Start - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs

Double click Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Tools

Select Repair Internet Explorer and hit Ok.

This will fix any detected errors in your Internet Explorer installation.

Reboot for changes to take effect.

To be honest the best repair is a reinstall.

Make sure you have the latest Windows components, IE components, drivers, and other updates for your system. When they're not about critical security updates, the majority of the fixes on Windows Update are often about fixing crashes.

Perform a scan for Spyware. This is probably the most common cause for unexpected crashes in IE.

Firefox is recommended over IE.It has faster safer browsing than IE futhermore it support awesome addons and plugins.Try it.

Internet Explorer(Explorer?) Errors Help PLS!!!?

-Javascript doesnt work in sites , and I cant enable it(in the internet options in securety custom level its alredy enabled and it advanced its desapeared , but i had it yestarday)

-I cant run search(start-saerch) , it says that cant find the archive

-In user panel , when I click on accounts - change accounts it opens a window where says Interner Explorer Error , and its like when you click properity of site but its in blank and down theres butoons yes and no but when you click em nothing happens

Help please , and I cant relply too

Internet Explorer(Explorer?) Errors Help PLS!!!?internet explorer 6

According to your desciption,there may have some regsitry errors in your PC to cause "windows error"....,You need to clean you PC.

Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer you create junk in the registry.You need to scan and clean your PC with registry cleaner.

There are some comparison and review of registry cleaners.

You can download and scan your PC for free.

Internet Explorer(Explorer?) Errors Help PLS!!!?windows live internet explorer

please repair the browser.

u might have the disk or can download from

once u repair it, u should be able to browse as usual

Internet Explorer Errors?

Internet Explorer keeps Kicking Me Out Douing A Game Why ????

Internet Explorer Errors?ies

It could be a variety of reasons such as incompatible Add-ons, incompatible toolbars, lack of system resources (RAM), malware, Java problems, etc. Hard to say without knowing the error details.

First run your resident security products such as antivirus and antispyware applications. If everything comes up clean, try uninstalling your toolbars such as Google or Yahoo through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. If the issues continue, go to Tools, Manage Add-ons and disable each one by itself to see if one of them is the culprit. If you are still having troubles, update your Java by following these steps.

Assuming that you are in the Administrator account, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and uninstall everything that says J2SE, Java and Java Runtime. Reboot (some computers require a reboot to complete the uninstall process). Then go to the site below and download the most recent version of Java.

Afterwards, in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab and scroll down to the Java section and tickmark the "Use 1.6.2 (version changes with each update) for applet". Click Apply, Click OK and reboot (a reboot is required for some computers for the settings to stick).

Finally if everything above has been ruled out, you probably have a system resources problem. You can see if your computer can handle more RAM by going to and running a scan.

It's important to note that everything takes RAM. Not only security products (such as active anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall) eat up memory but your operating system, active browser windows, running applications (such as Word, Gaming, Messenger, Photoshop, etc) and malware

Internet Explorer Errors?windows update internet explorer

Run Ad-Adware 2007 free edition. Check if the site is not block.

Have older computer with Win98 and it keeps having Internet explorer errors freezes. It has to be po

I took Internet explorer off the computer %26amp; have Firefox now. When I ran the scan disk, it said that Internet explorer interrupted the scan 12 times. It keeps freezing %26amp; has to be powered off %26amp; on.

Have older computer with Win98 and it keeps having Internet explorer errors freezes. It has to be powered offinternet explorer download

im guessing because since microsoft does not support 98 anymore since its so old you will get problems unless you upgrade to xp or vista

Have older computer with Win98 and it keeps having Internet explorer errors freezes. It has to be powered offwindows xp internet explorer

Uninstalling Internet Explorer from a windows computer is a no no. While you may see it as a browser, the computer sees it as it's little pet, whom it must protect and nurture. And when you take that away, it's maternal instincts go crazy and it tries to rip you apart!
Switch to Firefox..your problems will more than likely end..

A computer that old is not in a good internet environment. these days. Because Microsoft no longer supports windows 98.

Try installing one of the following:

Fedora Core Linux


Linspire (or freespire)

These free linux operating systems don't get viruses like windows does and often runs well on older computers because it doesn't take that much computer power to run it.
i think that is maybe a virus so u need to scan your harddisk with a update antivirus and then fix the register, Or u may update your internet explorer i think win 98 use internet explorer version 5.5 so u must update it to 6.0
You need to upgrade your computer to at least Windows XP. Microsoft no longer supports anything Windows 98. And also, upgrading your browser will also be required.
